
Wolves in the Throne Room

Wolves in the Throne Room is a Black Metal band from Washington state. Taken from AllMusicGuide: "Wolves in the Throne Room compose haunting black metal inspired by fog-draped forests and long, dreary, dark winters. But the imaginatively named trio is not your everyday, pagan-worshipping, blood-sucking, corpse-paint-donning black metal band, either; but rather residents of a self-sufficient commune situated outside of Olympia, WA, where frugal living conditions help dictate the band's focus on music -- not dressing up like it's Halloween all year-round."

2005 Diadem of 12 Stars

1 comment:

Oompa Loompas said...

I LOVE both of those releases...I just got Diadem on vinyl a couple months ago. Both albums are brilliant.

Highly recommended!